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  • Writer's pictureTom Vanhecke

Meet Tom - Co-founder of LYNX.

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

“Ten years ago, if you told me I would become an entrepreneur, I would have chuckled!”

 Tom Vanhecke, Co-founder LYNX.
Tom Vanhecke, co-founder of LYNX Partners.

Coming from a family of teachers and policemen, entrepreneurship was not around when growing up. A job needed to be something safe and dependable, with low risks. However, I was blessed with a caring and loving family that taught me to be empathic to those around me - a skill proven to be so valuable in life.

I did, however, always had a nag for non-fiction: biographies, documentaries, history … In high school, I developed a strong interest in (macro-)economics because its rules, frameworks, laws and correlations helped me to understand the society we live in. Later, I was charmed by the field of marketing and how our reptile brain still responds in the same, predictable way to stimuli of an ever-changing world.


Several internships got me in touch with entrepreneurship for the first time. My job was to give (free) marketing advice to start-ups. I was immediately infatuated by these remarkable species: entrepreneurs! With nothing more than an idea, some self-belief and sheer willpower, entrepreneurs create something out of nothing. And their story, their ‘why’ always intrigues me.

The urge to undertake grew steadily over the past decade. My internship counselor showed me all the ins and outs of running an SME. My very first boss mentored me in thinking like an entrepreneur. He recommended reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. After reading that book, I truly believed I, too, could become an entrepreneur. My second boss gave me access to tremendous coaches and mentors to facilitate my personal growth. Moreover, he provided me with the best possible opportunity to start my own management company.

Nature versus nurture

I am a product of my environment. I am grateful for my two families, the one by blood and the professional one by choice. I am thankful for the love and support of my parents, my sister, my girlfriend and friends. I feel lucky because of the coaching and mentorship I received from Michaël Soetens, Gaël Terroir, Patrick Brady, Michel Calef, and Lien Vertommen.

You all inspire me to become a better version of myself!



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